Crime Information & Advice

Crime maps

Crime figures are displayed at street or village level on the Police Website.

Set your Internet security to accept cookies before visiting the site. Click on “Find your neighbourhood”, enter a postcode, town or village name, and you are taken to crime and policing information for that area. Click on the words “Crime map” to see the numbers of crimes for that area by month. Click on the dots on the map for information about individual crimes. Specific details and exact locations are not given in order to preserve the anonymity of the victims of crime. Figures go back to December 2010. The figures from July 2012 onwards include case outcomes.

Advice on how to protect yourself against crime including staying safe on line

Go to, and at the bottom of the page under "Information and services" click on the words “Crime prevention advice”.  There you will find information about:

○ Protecting your home from crime.
○ Protecting yourself from crime.
○ Business crime prevention.
○ Keeping vehicles safe.

Go to, and at the bottom of the page under "Advice and information" click on the box called "Fraud". There you will find information about different types of fraud including online fraud and cybercrime.

The North Yorkshire Police, Fire & Crime Commissioner

Zoë Metcalfe is the North Yorkshire Police, Fire & Crime Commissioner. 
For more information about the role, visit


Contact Crimestoppers anonymously with information about crime:

By telephone:  0800 555 111 

On line:, scroll down to the words “Anonymous Form”.

North Yorkshire County Council Trading Standards Department

Contact via Citizens Advice:

Address Citizens Advice Hambleton:
277 High Street
North Yorkshire

North Yorkshire Telephone Advice Line - 0808 278 7900 (freephone) - Mon - Fri 9 am - 5 pm


Office Hours:
​Monday and Thursday, 10 am - 2 pm for face-to-face drop-in sessions.

National Neighbourhood Watch website


​If you have any issues with anything on this page or would like more information please contact the Neighbourhood Watch on